“By these measures we want to provide the authorities with sufficient powers and resources to prevent in advance and take action to deal with all sexual offences,” Kai Mykkänen, the minister of the interior, said at the press conference on Wednesday, February 20, 2019. Picture: Tony Öhberg for Finland Today

On Wednesday afternoon, the government published measures to prevent and combat sexual offenses in general and crimes committed by immigrants.

Measures to address criminal offenses by immigrants include giving more consideration to the criminal background when granting residence permits on the basis of international protection and by enhancing the surveillance of persons pending return who may pose a threat.

In future, the reporting duty will apply more broadly than at present to persons who have received a deportation decision that has gained legal force and who are no longer entitled to reception services.

In addition, the government will start to prepare legislative amendments by which the status of international protection could be terminated for persons who have committed an aggravated offense in Finland or persons residing abroad who pose a risk to national security or public order.


Measures to prevent sexual offenses in general include providing more resources to internet police, more severe punishments for sexual offenses and increased cooperation among the public authorities and preventive police work.

Stronger action will be targeted to schools so that children and the young will be better capable of recognizing grooming behavior and acting safely in social media and have clear instructions how to act in a situation where they come across something unpleasant, frightening or disturbing in social media. 

The government will start the preparation and introduction of these measures without delay.
