Finns are the third best sleepers in the world, according to Fitbit, the US-based fitness tech company.

Finns sleep about 7 hours 12 minutes and 13 seconds on average, topped only by the Netherlands (7 hours 13 minutes and 30 seconds) and the United Kingdom, where people sleep about 7 hours 14 minutes and 44 seconds on average. The worst sleepers are found in the Czech Republic, where the average person sleeps only 6 hours 52 minutes and 18 seconds.

Finland places also among the top ten countries in the world when it comes to measuring total fitness: average daily steps, active minutes, goals met, resting heart rate and the duration of sleep.

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Fitbit analyzed aggregated and anonymized data from more than 20 million Fitbit users across the globe to uncover the Fittest Countries ranking.

With devices that track and analyze your daily activity, including exercise, heart rate and sleep, Fitbit was able to look at a range of behaviors.
