Valkjärvi school was burnt down in Nurmijärvi, about 35 kilometers north of Helsinki, on October 28, 2019. Picture: Tony Öhberg for Finland Today

The Eastern Uusimaa Police Department have been investigating a tangle of four fires, which were suspected to have been lit on purpose in Nurmijärvi in late autumn.

The most visible arson in the media, also reported by Finland Today, was the destruction of Valkjärvi school in October, a wooden building that had served classes 1 to 6 since 1922.

“When I heard the news in the morning, I caught a tear in my eye,” said Christa Kaltiokumpu, 50, in our interview. She had studied there as a child.

The police are investigating the arson as criminal mischief. In Nurmijärvi, another school burning took place in October as well and is also being suspected of criminal mischief. Since the beginning, the police suspected that the arsons were connected.

In addition to the school arsons, two other buildings in Nurmijärvi located at separated beaches were burnt at the end of November. They were investigated as attempted criminal mischiefs and they were suspected to be linked to the school arsons.

Read also:  Christa's Family Attended the School That Was Burnt Down in Suspected Arson in Nurmijärvi: "When I Heard the News, I Caught a Tear in My Eye"

On Tuesday, the police caught two suspects, men born in 1991 and 1995, who are suspected of setting the fires. The suspects have in preliminary investigations admitted to being guilty of the suspected crimes.

The police caught the suspects with their own investigations and with the help of tips received from the public.

Both suspects have been imprisoned in the Eastern Uusimaa District Court on Thursday.

Nurmijärvi is located in Uusimaa region.
