Finland is a host to many multicultural associations. In Porvoo, the organization is known for not only helping immigrants but also for arranging bazaars that offer a diverse program and culinary delights. Picture: Tony Öhberg for Finland Today

As the Mexican peso devalues, your correspondent set out to take a closer look at job hunting in Finland. It turns out that, particularly in smaller towns, finding a job can be a hassle.

“What type of job would you like?” a Finnish friend asked.

“Anything. A part-time job doing anything would be perfect” I replied.

“Well, I haven’t found a job in my field since I graduated college last year” he added grimly.

My friend, who wants to remain anonymous in case he suddenly finds a job, was born and raised in Finland. He studied English at university with the hope of becoming an English teacher. He has been spending his time in the sector of public speaking since teaching opportunities are so scarce. I’d imagine that if a young, capable, Finnish man couldn’t find a job, the possibilities for me were close to zero.

Then I stumbled upon a job-seeking club for foreigners. Even in a small town like Joensuu, organizations exist to help the desperate find their way through Finnish life. Joensuun seudun monikulttuurisuusyhdistys ry (JoMoni) was created in 2009 and is an organization that promotes cultural diversity and prevents discrimination and isolation among immigrants.

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The association organizes cultural events that bring people from different backgrounds together. Among their events is the job seeking club, where everyone is welcomed, and the aim is to provide foreigners with facts and information about the job markets in Finland.

Through the help of staff and volunteers, people who are not fluent in Finnish can get help with filling out applications and looking for specific jobs. They also provide help with improving CVs and practicing for job interviews.

In short, finding a job in Finland is hard, and you might not even get one,  but there are always people willing to help you through the process—which is more than can be said for most small towns in other countries.

Picture on the cover: Desi


  • Paulina Bouzas

    Paulina Bouzas was born and raised in Mexico and has an MA in Linguistics from the University of Eastern Finland. She enjoys writing about education, language and Finnish culture.

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