Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, the sixth installment in the lives of the creatures that first appeared on Earth roughly 245 million years ago, aims to set a new era of the gene-manipulated dinosaurs that get on your skin with 3D effects and the latest computer-generated graphics.
It begins promising when the Velociraptor with its gigantic claws on its feet and equipped with the skills of a ninja, one of the most vicious dinos, is portrayed in a more emphatic light than ever before—and while the film at times succeeds in making the viewer feel more than just an adrenalin rush—it turns out lacking the wisdom and teachings of Steven Spielberg’s original in 1993.
Halfway through the film, it becomes obvious that Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is built solely as a launchpad for more versions of the used-to-be extinct reptiles running amok among humans.
But how many more do we still need?
If we are thinking of continuing the never seems to be ending the franchise, the screenwriters and the director, J.A. Bayona, who is a newcomer in the franchise, should aim to do a better job than just going for the thrills and forced tears.
There were children dressed in dinosaur shirts among the invited guests in the press screening, but they walked out of the cinema without learning really anything about the dinosaurs. Except that they are big, they bite hard and smell bad.
My guess is they already knew that. (The smelly part was new to me.)
In the Spielberg’s original, we were enlightened with bits and pieces of information, which unfortunately wasn’t always accurate, for example that dinosaurs originally had feathers.
But it still gave more food for thought for our minds than just expensive entertainment.
‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’ premieres in cinemas June 8.