The clocks will be turned back toward the summer on Sunday morning. Photograph: Tony Öhberg/Finland Today

The summer time will end and clocks will be turned an hour backward (toward the summer) on Sunday, October 31, at 04:00 in the morning.

There have been talks about scrapping the back and forth of clocks in 2021, but the coronavirus pandemic seems to have slowed the decision-making process in the European Union where the legislation would be amended.

Finland started lobbying for the abolition of the EU daylight saving time in 2017, and after a citizens’ initiative gathered more than 70,000 signatures supporting it, the suggestion was brought to the attention of the EU parliament at the beginning of 2018.

In a survey conducted by the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications in 2018, 52 percent of the respondents voted for staying in winter time: 238,000 people wanted more light for the mornings. 216,000 favored the summer time.
