A citizens’ initiative titled “Stop the Spatter (Rajat räiskeelle)” has gathered 59,226 signatures.
The initiative is calling for a ban on the sale of fireworks to civilians. Sparklers would be excluded.
The initiative was created by 14 animal, health, patient and handicap organizations on December 4, and in only two days after its launch, the initiative had gathered about half of the signatures.
The remaining signatures were gathered after December 27, when the sales of fireworks had begun.
“It’s clear that each year the use of fireworks causes significant harm and danger to a great number people and animals and it burdens the environment. The injuries and harm caused by the fireworks are usually related to consumer use,” said Hannele Luukkainen, one of the creators of the initiative.
Professionals would still be allowed to arrange firework displays.
“The fireworks are not necessary products for consumers and there are risks involved,” Luukkainen, who is the chairperson of the Helsinki Society for Animal Protection
Because the initiative gathered over the necessary 50,000 signatures it will be processed by the parliament.